
TheyDream is an animated documentary that creatively reimagines the hopes and dreams of the filmmaker’s Puerto Rican-American family, plagued by health, financial, and social problems. It features photo-realistic 3D modeled characters inhabiting miniature, hand-built environments, and is a sequel to the filmmaker’s 2010 autobiographical documentary, American Dreams Deferred.



About the Filmmakers


William D. Caballero
William D. Caballero

William D. Caballero is a multimedia filmmaker, writer, and composer who tells big stories using small figures. Working primarily in the field of animated-hybrid documentaries featuring miniature 3D printed protagonists, his work examines American and Latino gender/sexuality, and existential identity. His creative mantra is "empower, enlighten, and express", and it underlies his desire to spread the gift of creativity amongst diverse people, liberating them from the oppression of mainstream tastes and values. Born in Coney Island, New York and raised in North Carolina, Caballero obtained the Bill Gates Millennium Scholarship, and returned to New York City where he graduated from Pratt Institute and New York University. His animated projects have premiered on HBO, Univision, PBS, World Channel, and have debuted at hundreds of international film festivals, including the Sundance Film Festival and Museum of Modern Art. Caballero received the Guggenheim Fellowship in 2018 and Creative Capital Award in 2021.